Anerkennen / Riconoscere

Therefore, based on the definition of the symbol, thinking means, from the subject, wanting to give birth to that internal dialogue which, while it consents them to know they are alone, leads to them starting a further dialogue, at least between two people. A dialogue in which one accepts being, at least, two in one: not necessarily knowing each other, but recognizing each other.
Lecture by Matteo Cavalleri, “A monument to the possible”, Research week, 30.10.2010


Summarizing in general terms, this recognition of self (which coincides with the subject’s capability of staying alone and thinking of themselves) happens only through the production of a symbol (the sharing and division of a tablet with the other person; in a metaphorical sense, my recognition of the other person) ; and it is at the same time the basis on which I can be in turn recognized by the other person. Without this double, mutual recognition, of self (identity of the type A=A) and of the other person (fracture, recognition B), the subject (A) wouldn’t exist, nor would the other (B) recognize them (as A), Therefore there wouldn’t exist the possibility of constructing and sharing a symbolic awareness between different subjects. It is important to add that recognizing, in this case, doesn’t mean knowing, but means predisposing the conceivability, the conditions of existence of knowing.

Lecture by Matteo Cavalleri, “A monument to the possible”, Research week, 30.10.2010