Bozen / Bolzano

Carlo azzolini_disegno

Carlo Azzolini_mappa

Carlo Azzolini, Stammtisch II, 28.10.2010

I totally agree with a vision which puts the presumed exceptionality of Bozen’s history back into perspective a bit.

Andrea di Michele, Stammtisch I, 25.10.2010

- Is the concept of living together only a terminological and artificial construction?

- Does it have a positive prior connotation or is it a term with a neutral value?

- Living together with whom, among which subjects or elements? And in what spatial framework?

- A theme to be treated as universal or restricted to Bozen because of some of its particular characteristics?

- Taking Bozen as a starting point or a finishing point on the reflection about living together?

- Bozen as Exit point or Arrival point?

Research week, Group discussion, 25.10. – 30.10.2010

Bozen City facts:

103.000 Population

70% Italian-speaking

26% German-speaking

12% Italian-speaking  foreigners

0,7% Ladin population

Susanne Waiz, Stammtisch II, 27.10.2010